My guest this week is Jaideep Pathak, who currently works at one of Canada’s largest banks in Toronto. Jaideep received his MBA at one of the top business schools, but it didn’t come without cost. Coming from India and with little means to pay for a college education, his only option was to rely on scholarships and take a major student loan for the rest.

The student loan he received from his home country however came at an 11% interest rate.

Jaideep’s story is a testament of perseverance coming from a foreign land and accumulating massive student loan debt. Through sheer determination, he managed to repay his college debt by means of additional scholarships, some creativeness in terms of getting the cost of debt reduced (covering the high cost Rupee debt into low cost Dollar debt), and last but not the least, pure sacrifice in the form of savings.

He was finally able to be debt free in 18 months after graduating.

In this interview, you’ll hear Jaideep share his story of perseverance, and talk about what it was like to make that final payment.

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